Xpansion - SCP


Xpansion - SCP

An update from our Xpansion partner, Saturation Church Planting (SCP).

SCP Asia was actively engaged as a new regional project in 2008.  There are 5 major regions in Asia, and SCP’s vision is to help form national leaders in 5 pivot nations that will take responsibility for their own nation as well as contiguous nations around them.  These regions account for 4.5 billion people of the world’s population.  In 2013, an SCP team was started in Bangkok, Thailand to facilitate the work that was going on and to lead the vision throughout Asia.

The Asian team is focused on 3 primary strategies in these pivot nations.

  • First, to develop a network of resource churches that can carry the vision for that nation and contiguous nations.  This is a process of envisioning, identifying, training and then coaching national leaders. 
  • Second, is to deliver decentralized leadership development that these resource churches can replicate to use in growing their people.  This includes advanced theological training for key leaders and theological education by extension for every level of leadership. 
  • Third, is to champion and provide seed money to people mobilization ministries.  These are low threshold ministries, started and led by lay people as they seek to engage the brokenness of their communities.  Some of these include caring for the poor, widows, orphans, homeless, blind, bonded laborers and others. 

India is one pivot nation that has become SCP’s largest project where all 3 of SCP’s primary strategies are engaged.  Over the past 8 years thousands of leaders have been trained and 11 resource churches in 9 states are postured to carry the vision throughout India and surrounding nations. These Indian churches have also begun to take the vision to Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

In addition to India, the team is at the beginning stages of setting up networks of resource churches in Central Asia, Russia, China and Southeast Asia. As an organization we are committed to seeing the local churches built up to carry a vision for their people. Only God can open the hearts of leaders to this vision.  Pray with us that as we have opportunity, God orchestrates the right leaders to receive and be developed in this vision.

With the activity around Asia and the team situated in Bangkok, Thailand, a city of more than 16 million, it has become a felt need to see a model of these principles and vision established where we live.  For the past 6 months the team has been working to see a vision for every man, woman & child set in the hearts of leaders of this city.  Bangkok is rapidly becoming one of the major global cities of Asia.  Less than 1% of the population of Bangkok is Christian and the city is made up of more than 20 nationalities that come to this Asian gateway for various reasons.  There are 169 sub-districts of Bangkok and the vision is to see the churches in this city embrace a decentralized expression of the body of Christ that would start by reaching every sub-district with at least one group that would be intentional with reaching that locality with the Gospel.  Pray for the SCP team as we seek to be a part of what God is doing to declare His glory in the lostness of this place.

We covet your prayers for the protection, growth, activity and extension of the SCP team in Bangkok, Thailand.     

-The SCP Team



Our Land in Naples


Our Land in Naples

On February 8th, the Naples Congregational Elders along with the Directional Elders met before the Board of County Commissioners in Collier County . The purpose of this meeting was to make the case that the land we own on Pine Ridge Road, just east of 1-75 met the criteria for a Conditional Use zoning. The approval for conditional use would mean that we would have the opportunity to build a permanent presence on this property for the Naples Campus. In order for this conditional use zoning to be passed we needed 4 out of 5 of the Commissioners to vote in favor of the project. The meeting resulted in only 3 out of 5 commissioners voting in favor of the project meaning we did not receive the decision we had hoped for.

So the three most obvious questions that we may ask when receiving this news are as follows:

Are we discouraged?

Were we disappointed with the decision from the Collier Commissioners? Yes.  Are we discouraged? Absolutely not!

Whenever we are faced with disappointment in our lives we have a choice on whether we will allow those situations to shape our view of God’s character or rest in who we know our God to be according to His Word.

So here is what we know - GOD DOES NOT LOSE! He ALWAYS has been and ALWAYS will be victorious. Which means that as children of the King we are “more than conquerors through Him who loves us!”(Romans 8:37) To believe anything less is to go against the essence and character of our mighty God.  His mission in Collier County is not thwarted by a lack of a building.  And we rejoice that He has given us this opportunity to share the gospel and glorify him in our community and before the commissioners in this specific way. 

Were some things twisted or misconstrued as to who we are as a church in this process through the media or other outlets? Yes. But nonetheless I think of Acts 5: 41when it says of the apostles standing before the Council - “…they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name of Christ.”

What will we do with the property?

Through this rezoning process it became very apparent to us that the restrictions we would have to adhere to on this property would be too constraining to the mission and ministries of Summit Church. While we have the ability to take this decision to litigation, the Directional Elders believe the Lord’s will for us is try to sell this property and use the monies for a future piece of property or place that He will lead us to.

Where does the Naples Campus go from here?

We believe with absolute assurance that God has a perfect plan for our Naples congregation moving forward. And we believe God desires a permanent presence for this congregation.

Think about the times in your life when you prayed to the Lord for something believing in your mind that this opportunity was perfect. And then think of the moment when you realized God had other plans. In the moment it was disappointing, but as you look back you can see that God had something so much better than what you could ever imagined. 

Ephesians 3:20-21 - “ Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

So we take heart and confidence that God has something so much better for the Naples Campus than even what this permanent presence would have been on this property. So our posture moving forward is to continue to be diligent in our search for places or property that may come available, allowing the Lord to lead the way and to continue to provide for His church. 

So do not allow this decision from the Collier Commissioners to discourage or dishearten you. But rather continue to pray for God’s wisdom, guidance, and provision for a permanent home for the Naples Campus and that his mission in Collier County would continue to grow stronger as we present the gospel by making disciples of every man, woman, and child.

We as the leadership of this church have never been more committed to what the Lord has called us to do in this community, state, nation, and world for His glory believing WE WILL NOT BE SHAKEN from the mission our Savior King has entrusted to this church. 

We love you all!

Johnny Pereira



Awake EP from Andy & Rachel Graham

We're so excited to announce the upcoming debut EP from our Worship Pastor Andy Graham and his wife Rachel, entitled Awake.

It's a compilation of 6 songs that that have been birthed out of our community and what the Lord has been doing in our lives. They’re an overflow and testimony of his work in us. It's our hope that where ever these songs are heard, they would show God's heart and become the prayers of the church. - Andy Graham

The EP will available beginning March 13th. Here's a preview of the album.


Go Love 2016 Photo Recap


Go Love 2016 Photo Recap

Summit Students had a great time at our Go Love retreat on Fort Myers Beach this past weekend. Students were worshiping God, having fun and building relationships in the process.

We were blessed to have an amazing speaker Blake Applebee, come down from Orlando to walk our students through the book of Philippians.  He really brought to life the truth that God is calling us to stand firm on His foundation no matter the circumstances around us. Students responded well to these truths and we are excited to see how God will continue to work in their lives as we dive deeper each week with them.  

As a student ministry we always want to see student's lives encouraged and strengthened by the gospel and weekends like this always accomplish that purpose.  Thank you all so much for your prayer and support, we sincerely appreciate it.

Paul, Mark and Jason


Photos by Heather Wood


Xpansion Update - Carl Belcher


Xpansion Update - Carl Belcher

Last year we had the privilege of sending out one of our former Emerging Leaders and his family to live on mission in the nation of Thailand. Carl and Leeza Belcher joined up with Saturation Church Planting which you can find out more about at scpglobal.org

Last week, Carl sent us a quick update and we wanted to share it with you! Keep them in your prayers as they seek to make disciples that represent the gospel to every man, woman and child in Thailand.


Serving Our Families


Serving Our Families

We're so blessed to have an amazing group of men and women who pour into our Family Ministries. They serve faithfully week in and week out and we're so grateful for their sacrifice! Here's a few stories of those who serve...(read more)


Kingdom Life


Kingdom Life

As believers in Jesus Christ, and citizens of His kingdom, we have the unique responsibility to reflect the glory of God to a watching world. In our new series, Kingdom Life, we will study Jesus’ words in the book of Matthew, considering what it means to live as His representatives where we work, live and play.

To listen to sermons from this series, visit our audio page.


Year End Giving


Year End Giving

We’re so encouraged by God’s activity in and through the body of Summit Church in 2015! Our Year End Review document is up on our website and available at the connection center and we encourage you to go take a look at all that God has accomplished over the last 12 months. Here’s just a sampling of what you’ll see in that document: in 2015 we celebrated over 60 baptisms and we had nearly 1,000 people in a recognized discipleship environments. We’re truly grateful for the grace of the Lord in 2015! ...(read more)


Advent Prayer Calendar


Advent Prayer Calendar

One of our members put together a simple prayer calendar to pray over with their kids this advent season and we wanted to share it with you. We hope you find it helpful!



Fast Forward


– Fasting was an expected discipline in both the Old and New Testament eras. For example, Moses fasted at least two recorded 40-day periods. Jesus fasted 40 days and reminded His followers to fast saying, “when you fast“, not if you fast.

– Fasting and prayer can restore the loss of the “first love” for your Lord and result in a more intimate relationship with Christ.

– Fasting is a biblical way to truly humble yourself in the sight of God (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21). King David said, “I humble myself through fasting.

– Fasting enables the Holy Spirit to reveal your true spiritual condition, resulting in brokenness, repentance, and a transformed life.

– Fasting can transform your prayer life into a richer and more personal experience.

– Fasting can result in a dynamic personal revival in your own life and make you a channel of revival to others.


 #1.  Spend time praying for yourself. Ask God to reveal any unconfessed sin. Pray that God would continue to fuel your passion for Him. Pray that God would continue to give you the discipline to pursue Him and spend time with Him in the Word and in prayer. Spend time meditating on Psalm 63:1-8.

#2.  Pray for our community, specifically for those who do not know Christ. Pray that God would continue to draw those who do not know Him into a loving relationship with Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ.

#3.  Pray for our school partnership Christmas Project. Pray for the families that we will bless and serve around each of our campuses. Pray that what we provide will be a visible and tangible testimony of God’s grace. Pray that through this initiative many will have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

#4.  Pray for the financial budget of Summit Church. Pray that we will be able to finish the year strong giving us the momentum and platform we need going into the next year. Pray that God would continue to grow us all in the area of stewardship of life and that as He does He would accomplish immeasurably more in and through us individual followers and collectively as a church.

#5.  Pray for our Christmas Eve services at all 3 of our campuses. Pray that God would draw many from our community to one of our campuses and more importantly to Himself. Pray that many would respond to the Gospel message and God’s extension of love and forgiveness. Specifically pray for those co-workers, neighbors, friends and family members who you will be inviting to the Christmas Eve services.

#6. Pray for our Elders as they continue to seek the Lord and His wisdom in regards to the continual ministry and future of Summit. Pray that God would fill these men, and lead these men as they are called to lead His Church in to His mission.


Meet Ashlyn Gibbs


Meet Ashlyn Gibbs

If someone would have told me five years ago that I would now be working at a church, I would have laughed. I think I always believed in a “god,” but did not remotely have a relationship with Jesus. In fact, towards the end of college, I was fairly opposed to Christianity. But like any child of God knows, His plans are often much different than ours and vastly better. Always better... (read more)




Why we, as rough, sinful men, are permitted to enter into His work… feebly proclaim His Word and observe His Holy Spirit break tough men’s hearts with His Word and bring them into His Kingdom…astounds me.

To say God worked innumerable miracles is to minimize what occurred this week.

Answered prayer met us upon our arrival, as the soil of the commando’s hearts was softened by the Holy Spirit.

Last Sunday afternoon, after we arrived at the GOE Commando Base, in Guano, Ecuador (10,000 ft elevation), we met with the commandos to introduce the course and the spiritual emphasis…three TACTICA instructors shared God’s grace story in their lives. Each instructor was assigned four commandos for the week…and we handed out TACTICA Bibles to our respective commandos. Immediately they began memorizing scripture as Ryan shared the compilation of verses they needed to memorize during the week in order to acquire all the tactical gear each instructor brought with him. Wasting no time each commando began in earnest.

As we wrapped up that first “meet and greet” one of our instructors from Florida, Raul, observed a commando named Pablo alone in an adjacent parking lot, pacing back and forth with his TACTICA Bible pressed tightly against his chest…looking up into the sky. At first, Raul thought he might be memorizing verses, but as he got closer he saw the distinctive look of conviction on Pablo’s face. When Raul questioned Pablo, he crumbled and stated, “One week ago, my wife picked up a Bible for the first time and started reading it. We don’t go to church. Now I come to this tactical training and I’m given a Bible and told of Jesus. I want this Jesus!” Pablo then yielded his heart and bent his knee to the Savior.

Monday morning began with all 40 commandos reciting memorized scripture…while they look at it as a means to an end (acquiring new tactical gear), we know God’s Word does not return empty but accomplishes His purpose (Isaiah 55:11).

Commandos started “dropping like flies” to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A young commando recruit, Jefferson, (one of my four), expressed his interest and wanted to talk…and we did. By Tuesday night he said, “Dave, tonight I want this Jesus as my own”. We had opportunity to show him from the scripture, and he, according to the three translators that assisted me, prayed the most beautiful prayer of repentance and trust in Jesus.

Each day, in addition to hiding God’s Word in their hearts, we shared God’s grace in our individual breakout sessions and in multiple personal testimonies each day. Spanish versions of Grace Card, Fireproof, and Courageous movies were shown in the evenings with Q&A afterwards. Commandos were leaving the auditorium each night broken and in tears.


On the final day before the graduation ceremonies Ryan presented the Gospel clearly and powerfully using Captain Michele Morales’ salvation at last year’s TACTICA course and ‘untimely’ murder less than two months later. Hearts were pricked.

The men who received Jesus as their Savior throughout the week rose and stood before their peers to declare their allegiance to Christ. Several more left their seats to join them, desiring to trust Jesus.

We made a hasty wardrobe change into our class A uniforms for the graduation ceremonies. Little did we know it would be televised. When Ryan was asked to speak, he shared the Gospel clearly and our dual purpose of training commandos and making disciples of Jesus.

Many dignitaries were present and we were whisked away for a meet and greet with them around refreshments. The Minister of the Interior approached Ryan and she praised TACTICA’s mission…stating she would like TACTICA to bring this same message to all 43,000+ national police officers. We marvel as God opens doors of opportunity for His message of salvation and hope!

In addition to other commandos, there were about 30 new recruits that had our course integrated into their 8-month commando academy. It was exciting to reach these fresh, young commandos with the Gospel, yet because they hadn’t graduated yet, their day was very regimented during and after our courses and we didn’t get the time we desired to speak into their lives.

We later found out that the supervisory ranked commandos made a pact not to yield to the Gospel message. Ultimately, it did not hold as three Sergeants made decisions to follow Jesus Christ.

At the end of graduation, the Lieutenant over the GOE Commando base, Luis, entered the auditorium where just the TACTICA team remained. He stood staring at the banner commemorating Captain Morales sacrifice. Shakily fumbled with his iPhone to take a picture of the banner. As we talked with him we learned Morales was a close personal friend of his and beside him during the mission when he was shot and killed. He spoke of Captain Morales’ return after last year’s TACTICA training, “Each morning he’d have his Bible out reading, studying, writing and speaking of Jesus.” The gospel was presented clearly. With tears streaming down his face, he declared he wanted the same Jesus that Morales had…and bent his knee and bowed his heart to the Savior. While most of us don’t understand Spanish, the beauty and expressed sentiment of his prayer transcended language and brought us all to tears of joy with him.

Simultaneously, three TACTICA instructors were outside the gate desiring to share Jesus one last time with four Panamanian commandos that went through the course. The instructors called out as they were leaving and they all stopped. Their tough, hardened exteriors shattered as their Lieutenant turned with tears streaming down his cheeks…the others started began to weep and all four made personal decisions to trust Jesus as their Savior before they left the base. Raul and Steve related that it was almost as if they expected us to pursue them with the Gospel…right out to the taxi’s.

Not that we count scalps, but eleven commandos trusted Jesus this week and will meet with missionary Jeff Davol, Steve Wright and others in Guayaquil, Quito and other cities for discipleship follow-up. Fortunately, four live in Quito and have arranged to meet together to encourage each other in their walk with Jesus.

The instantaneous spiritual transformation from death to life, the expressed burdens lifted, the joy written across their faces, the craving for knowledge of the Holy One and how to live practically to please Him is amazing to behold!

A fantastic adventure for God! Thank you for your prayers and support Summit family! We could not and dare not do God’s bidding without your support!

Please remember these that trusted Jesus Christ this past week…pray that Jesus will be glorified in their lives…the enemy of our soul will be chained…the Holy Spirit will open their eyes that they might behold wondrous things from God’s Word…that a cultivated desire to walk closer with Jesus will occur each day!

-Dave V.




For the second year in a row I’ve had the great privilege of serving with Oakridge Middle School’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Coach Tom Speigal has been overseeing this group for the last few years and has poured many hours into the students in hopes they might hear and respond to the gospel. Before this school year started, Coach Tom asked me to take a run with the “Bible” portion of the club. Without hesitation I excitedly accepted.

The normal routine of the club is to start with prayer, then jump into game time (ie. football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc.). Afterwards, we sit down with a snack and open God’s Word together. 

Yesterday, November 2nd, much like every Monday afternoon I was sitting in the parking lot of Oakridge Middle School waiting for the bell to ring and for school to let out so I could go in and get ready for FCA. As I was sitting and reading from Romans 5, the passage I would be teaching from, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to pray specifically for light to be shared in the dark. I prayed that the gospel would be clear and that students would be able to understand the implications of it on their lives.

Later that afternoon, at the end of my teaching, I gave the students a direct opportunity to respond to the gospel. I asked if there were any students who prayed to trust Christ, and if there were, for them to look up at me and catch my eye, while everyone else kept their heads bowed. To my amazement between eight and 12 students looked straight up at me. It was an overwhelming and exciting feeling. 

Unfortunately, we had to dismiss rather quickly after that, but I look forward to following up with these students next week and to continue to be a part of their weekly gatherings. Would you pray with me for these students? I am excited for what Christ is doing in this school! 

-Jason Nigh




Well we’re a couple of weeks removed from our four nights of “Revive Us” worship gatherings. If you were able to make it to any or all of the nights, I pray you were blessed. It certainly was a powerful time to come together, 3 congregations, one church with one heart and focus to seek the Lord and worship Him. God was truly gracious to allow His Spirit to move amongst us and to allow His Word to pour deep into our hearts. As we stated on multiple occasions, that time was not to be seen as a one-time event, but really as a catalyst for deeper spiritual renewal that hopefully overflows into a renewed commitment to pursue the Lord and live more fully into His mission. I would venture to say though, that many of us are probably still operating or suffering from a “what now” hang-over, and let me just say that’s normal. But we certainly don’t want to stay in that place. We don’t want our spiritual walk to be made up of or fueled by spiritual experiences or programmed events. Those things are great and beneficial, but our God is much bigger than that. He is active every day, and His glory is on display at all times.

So here is what we want to do over the next few weeks. We want to release a few blog posts that we hope will encourage and assist you in continuing to foster, with the help and power of the Holy Spirit, a mentality and heart of continual dependence upon God and desperation for His continual renewal. At the end of our time at “Revive Us” we made cards available that had the 7 Distinguishing Marks of Renewal from Jonathan Edwards, and on the back were 7 prayerful suggestions the Elders laid out for us to give attention to in this season. Let me quickly review those 7 suggestions and leave you with some final thoughts.

  1. Pray that God would grow your hunger and longing for His Word. If you don’t already have a reading plan consider using Summit’s monthly reading plan. (Jeremiah 15:16)
  2. Spend time in prayer daily. Consider using time in your car or another moment during your day to commune with your Heavenly Father through prayer. (1 Thess. 5:16-18)
  3. Ask God to continue to grow your dependence on Him and your neediness for Him. (John 15:5, Matthew 5:3)
  4. Strive to deal ruthlessly with sin, asking God for His grace to repent from any and all things that do not glorify Him. (Psalm 32:5, Isaiah 55:6-7)
  5. Consider who you might invite into this journey with you– a spouse, friend, co-worker. Be committed to community. (Hebrews 10:24-25, Ecc. 4:9-12)
  6. Ask God to give you His heart for the lost around you. Ask the Lord for continual opportunities to share the Gospel. (Col. 4:2-6)
  7. Walk in ever growing gratitude. May your gratitude fuel your worship of our Great God. (1Thess 5:18, Psalm 107:1)

Here are some thoughts concerning suggestion #1. I know, I know, you hear it all the time, READ YOUR BIBLE, but instead of hearing that through “guilt ridden” and “jaded” ears let this sit. God has something profound to say to you, and He has so much to show you. When we aren’t in the Word we are missing out.

So here’s a quick encouragement…

  • Start small. If you feel intimated or insecure right now, just start reading small passages of Scripture.
  • Get a good study Bible or study Bible APP that can help you better understand what you are reading.
  • Trust the Holy Spirit to illuminate God’s Word to you. Don’t be afraid to actually pray and ask God to do just that.
  • Share what you read with a friend, your spouse or someone in your life group. Sharing what you read will help you connect more with the Word, build healthy accountability, and build your relationships with those around you.
  • Don’t make “finishing” the focus of your reading time, but focus instead on desiring to know God and being known by Him.

“Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts.” 
Jeremiah 15:16




When planning this year’s fall retreat with the Ignite staff, one thing we were confident in was that God would be faithful. Looking back, it’s clear to me that He was.

Our annual Fall Retreat with our college ministry was held at Deerfield Beach, FL and while the views were great, the work God did that weekend was far greater.

Our college pastor, Adam Alexander, taught from Philippians, focusing in on chapter 1 verse 21, “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

This is a verse that many shy away from, but during the retreat we had the chance to look at the state of hearts and whether or not we could actually believe the words being said. Being in college, it’s hard for many to say that dying is truly a gain. But, as we dove deeper into the word, learned more about what heaven will be like, and rediscovered the great gift we have in Christ, God spoke. By the end of the weekend, five students were baptized and many more made a decision to set their eyes on things above, and not on things of this earth. Many came to believe– to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Now that we are back in school and getting in the swing of things, my hope is that what was learned over Fall Retreat is not left to be forgotten. As life picks up pace again, my prayer is that all of us would continue seeking the Lord and His plans for us. We cannot tuck this Good News away, but must set our direction towards Christ, proclaiming the good news that is Christ and the gift of eternal life.

- Christie Marks
